Hello RVU Community, in relation to Title IX, VAWA, Campus Save Act, and the CLERY Act, this month brings attention, on a national level, to prevention, intervention, and a conscientious effort to help if or when sexual assaults occur – in your community, to people you know or don’t know, to people you can advocate for, and to people who may not be as willing to reach out. I have attached an article published in the JAOA in 2018 specifically targeted to Osteopathic medical professionals. Undoubtedly, you will run across someone (if you haven’t already) in your professional or personal life that has experienced sexual assault.
More information on SAAM can be found here: www.nsvrc.org/saam
As your RVU Title IX Coordinator, please do not ever hesitate to let me know if I may be of assistance regarding sexual misconduct or gender discrimination!