For all changes in status (unless appealing the decision or otherwise directed by the Administration), the student is responsible to work with the Associate/Assistant Dean of Student Affairs to process the change and submit the Change of Status form to the Registrar’s Office within five (5) business days of receipt of the letter. Failure to do so may have negative impacts on the student’s financial aid, enrollment status, course registrations and/or academic transcripts.
Leave of Absence
A Leave of Absence (LOA) is an intentional separation between the student and the University to enable the student to have the fullest opportunity to remedy whatever circumstances resulted in the leave of absence. An LOA suspends all student activities associated with the University and may be voluntary or non-voluntary directed as described below. A leave of absence may not exceed one year either cumulatively or within a single leave during the student’s enrollment, unless this requirement is waived by the Dean (DO program) or Program Director (MSBS and PA programs) and Associate/Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. If the student does not return within the timeframe approved, he/she will automatically be considered to have voluntarily withdrawn. The specific timeframe of the leave of absence is dependent on the ability of the student to return to classes within the curricular framework and to complete the required course work in the time and sequence dictated by the faculty and the curriculum.
Any student who is granted or placed on a leave of absence is responsible for his/her own financial obligations. Therefore, all students taking a leave of absence are required to contact the Office of Student Financial Services to determine their status, as they may not meet the federal requirements for a leave of absence for Title IV financial aid.
Students going on leave will be directed to return at a specific starting point but may not be allowed to return in the middle of a course or semester. While on a leave of absence, students are not eligible to make up incomplete class work, remediate any examinations, or take any portion of any licensing or certification examinations without express permission from the Dean (DO program) or Program Director (MSBS and PA programs) and Associate/Assistant Dean of Student Affairs.
Students on a leave of absence are not allowed to come to campus (unless for specific business related to their return) or participate in university-related activities and course work, such as research, student organizations, or university events. However, some resources can be accessed on a limited basis, including use of Media Site, the MyVista platform, online library services, student RVU email, and student RVU health insurance (provided the insurance was already paid-in-full). Full use of RVU mental health and wellness services will be available for students on LOA for up to six weeks past the student’s change-of-status date.
Voluntary Leave of Absence
A voluntary leave of absence is one that is requested by a student to withdraw temporarily from classes for personal, financial, or medical reasons. The request for voluntary leave of absence must be submitted in writing to the Associate/Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. If approved and if the student is in good academic standing, the student may be allowed to re-enter the program at the end of the leave without any need for reapplication, remediation, or reevaluation; however, the student may be required to meet specific requirements in order to be allowed to return.
If a student is granted a leave of absence while current coursework is still in progress, he/she will discontinue further course work. In all such cases, an appropriate designation for each course in progress will be entered on the transcript. In the case of a withdrawal from a course, students will be required to meet the course requirements in entirety before being permitted to progress into the next academic year.
If a leave of absence is granted while the student is not in good standing, is under review for a disciplinary action, or has a disciplinary action imposed on them, then the student may not be reinstated to the University without a review by the program’s student performance and/or progression committee. Upon completion of its review, the respective committee shall make a recommendation to the Dean or Program Director. If the student is denied reinstatement, their status will be changed to a withdrawal. If the student is granted reinstatement, special disciplinary action requirements may be imposed as a condition of their reinstatement, where appropriate.
Students granted a leave of absence for a medical reason must have a licensed physician certify in writing that their physical and/or mental health is sufficient to permit them to continue in their education. The physician providing the certification must either be designated by or approved by the Associate/Assistant Dean of Student Affairs or by the appropriate Program Director (MSBS or PA) for the certification to be accepted.
Non-Voluntary Leave of Absence
A non-voluntary leave of absence is a mandatory, involuntary leave of absence imposed by the Dean (DO program) or Program Director (MSBS and PA programs) or Associate/Assistant Dean of Student Affairs that is related to academic matters. Please refer to the Academic Policies section of the corresponding program for further information.
A non-academic, non-voluntary LOA is a mandatory, involuntary leave of absence imposed by the Dean (DO program) or Program Director (MSBS and PA programs) or Associate Dean of Student Affairs that is unrelated to academic matters. During the leave, the Dean (DO program) or Program Director (MSBS and PA programs) and Associate Dean of Student Affairs will provide the student with the opportunity to rectify or seek rehabilitation/treatment for the problem that precipitated the directed leave.
To be reinstated after a non-academic, non-voluntary leave of absence, the student must be able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Dean (DO program) or Program Director (MSBS and PA programs) and Associate Dean of Student Affairs that the pre-established requirements have been met and that he/she shows a reasonable likelihood that previous problems will not recur.
An involuntary withdrawal/dismissal is a University-initiated process that can occur for both academic (such as multiple course failures) and non-academic reasons (unprofessional conduct, violation of University policies, and/or violation of the Student Code of Conduct). In addition, students who fail to complete any academically related activity for ten (10) consecutive days without notifying the Associate/Assistant Dean of Student Affairs shall be considered withdrawn.
A voluntary withdrawal is a student-initiated resignation under which he/she surrenders all rights and privileges as a student of the University. Students must notify the Associate/Assistant Dean of Student Affairs of their request for a voluntary withdrawal verbally or in writing. To return to the University, students must initiate a new application through the Office of Admissions.
Students who voluntarily withdraw from the University are required to meet with or verbally notify their Dean or Program Director, the Associate/Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, and the Office of Student Financial Services.
Dismissal Policy and Right to Appeal
Dismissal is the permanent termination (involuntary withdrawal) of a student’s academic enrollment. The Program Director, Associate/Assistant Deans of Student Affairs, and/or the Dean are responsible for imposing this action. A student who chooses to appeal a dismissal must do so in writing to the Provost within five (5) business days of the date of dismissal. While appealing a dismissal, a student may continue to attend classes and take all examinations pending the results of the appeal. The reasons for which a student may be dismissed from the University include but are not limited to the following:
- Circumstances of an illegal, behavioral, ethical, or academic nature that warrant such action;
- Failure to meet the Academic Standards; and/or
- Determination of factors that would interfere with or prevent the student from practicing and meeting the professional and ethical standards expected of a healthcare professional.
If a student is dismissed or withdraws from any program within RVU, they may apply for readmission through each program's individual admissions process. In order to be considered for readmission, the student must provide adequate evidence that the conditions or factors that caused the prior dismissal or withdrawal have changed significantly, so that there is a reasonable expectation that the student can perform satisfactorily if readmitted. If the student is readmitted, their prior academic record will remain part of their overall academic record and will be recorded on the permanent transcript.