Office of Registrar at Rocky Vista University

| Office of the Registrar



The Office of the Registrar maintains all documentation placed in the matriculated student’s permanent record. Educational records include but are not limited to post-matriculation admission applications, registration in attempted and completed courses, grades, name and address changes, diplomas, transcripts, and residency/licensure paperwork. The Office of the Registrar also tracks and maintains health/immunization records, drug screens, and background checks.

Note: If you are a current student, so that we can assist you more quickly, please include your class year and campus in your email and/or signature; for example, “Class of 2023-CO.”

Record Requests, Transcripts and More (click here)

  • If you need a verification, transcripts, diploma copies, and other academic records sent to yourself or another, we will be happy to help.  For your privacy of information, just submit the Record Request to get it into the queue of requests.  If you have a document from an external agency to be completed, just select “Form to be completed/signed by the Registrar” and you will have the option to upload that form.

FERPA Authorization (click here)

  • As every university should, we at RVU handle your information with great care to privacy and compliance under FERPA.  If you wish to authorize a third party (such as a parent, spouse, sponsor, etc.) to have general access to your academic information, other than when you specifically request it through the Record Request, you may grant such authorization through this form.  Note: this is purely an authorization form in case we receive requests from third parties that otherwise did not have your consent.  To actually have a document provided to them or yourself, use the Record Request above.

Change in Status (click here)

  • If you are going on a Leave of Absence, need to be reinstated from one, are becoming a Fellow or transitioning into the next year as a current Fellow, or undergoing some other form of change in status, complete this request.  Upon this form, I perform updates to your profile at the institutional, program, course and student levels, where necessary. Once I process and approve, it will also notify all appropriate offices including Financial Services, Security and IT to ensure you still have the aid, access, and email relevant to your new status.