Informal Complaints
Complaints vary in severity and complexity and RVU encourages individuals to resolve concerns and misunderstandings with one another whenever possible. When interpersonal resolution is not feasible, individuals have the right to file an informal complaint with Student Affairs in order to seek agreement and shared understanding. Not every complaint should be addressed in the same way, and you should be provided both informal and formal ways to raise a complaint to best suit the circumstances of the issue. Informal procedures are for quick problem-solving rather than investigating and substantiating claims. They seek agreement and shared understanding of how to avoid problems in the future. Informal complaints are most appropriate in cases where the allegations are less serious, or the problem is based on miscommunication or a misunderstanding.
Formal Complaints
For serious issues such as policy violations or breach of ethics or discrimination, you have the right to make a formal complaint. In the case that an informal solution does not result in a positive outcome, you also have the right to make a formal complaint. Formal procedures are for substantiating a complaint with evidence, or formally bringing the people involved together to try to reach an agreement.
(Note: Title IX and/or Sexual Misconduct complaints should not be filed via Ethics Point. Instead, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at
If a complaint is serious and cannot be resolved at the level it occurred, you may: