Student Complaints at Rocky Vista University

| Student Complaints


Rocky Vista University upholds high standards and expectations of professional conduct for all its community members. As with any institution that educates and employs a large number and variety of people, we may sometimes be challenged by conflicts, lack of clarity in policies, or problems that may arise from misunderstandings.

RVU encourages students and employees to first make attempts to resolve conflicts with the person with whom there is a dispute. When a desirable outcome cannot be reached by both parties, available options to students and employees are described within the Student Complaints Guide (PDF) located here

Retaliation or retribution of any kind from any student or employee against a complainant or other involved parties is strictly prohibited. 

Please refer to the Students Complaints Policy regarding accreditation standards.

Student Complaints Policy, Categories and Resources (PDF)

Diversity Statement and Non-Discrimination Policy (PDF)

Accreditation Standard Complaint Policy (PDF)

Informal Complaints

Complaints vary in severity and complexity and RVU encourages individuals to resolve concerns and misunderstandings with one another whenever possible. When interpersonal resolution is not feasible, individuals have the right to file an informal complaint with Student Affairs in order to seek agreement and shared understanding. Not every complaint should be addressed in the same way, and you should be provided both informal and formal ways to raise a complaint to best suit the circumstances of the issue. Informal procedures are for quick problem-solving rather than investigating and substantiating claims. They seek agreement and shared understanding of how to avoid problems in the future. Informal complaints are most appropriate in cases where the allegations are less serious, or the problem is based on miscommunication or a misunderstanding.

Formal Complaints

For serious issues such as policy violations or breach of ethics or discrimination, you have the right to make a formal complaint. In the case that an informal solution does not result in a positive outcome, you also have the right to make a formal complaint. Formal procedures are for substantiating a complaint with evidence, or formally bringing the people involved together to try to reach an agreement.

(Note: Title IX and/or Sexual Misconduct complaints should not be filed via Ethics Point. Instead, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at

If a complaint is serious and cannot be resolved at the level it occurred, you may:

State of Texas Education Code §132.202 (for Students on Clinical Rotations in Texas)

  • Rocky Vista University is not regulated in Texas under the provisions of Chapter 132 of the Texas Education Code.
  • Rocky Vista University, Colorado location is regulated by the Colorado Commission of Higher Education, and complaints may be filed by contacting:

Colorado Commission of Higher Education
Office of Private Postsecondary Education
1600 Broadway, Suite 2200, Denver, CO 80202
P 303.862.3001 ,

Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA)
1560 Broadway, Suite 110, Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (800) 886-7675

  • Rocky Vista University, So. Utah location is regulated by the State of Utah Department of Commerce, and complaints may be filed by contacting:

Utah Department of Commerce

Division of Consumer Protection
P.O. Box 146704, Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Phone: (801) 530-6601

State of Connecticut (for Students on Clinical Rotations in Connecticut)

For any complaints not resolved to satisfaction at the institutional level, please contact:

Emily Bjornberg
Senior Consultant
Academic Affairs
Connecticut Office of Higher Education
450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 707
Hartford, CT 06103

State of Iowa (for Students on Clinical Rotations in Iowa)

Rocky Vista University is authorized by the Iowa College Student Aid Commission:
475 SW 5th Street, Suite D
Des Moines, IA 50309
Toll Free Number: 877-272-4456

Iowa residents with any complaints should reach out to the following:
Iowa College Student Aid Commission
Toll Free Number: 877-272-4456

State of Kansas (for Students on Clinical Rotations in Kansas)

Rocky Vista University is authorized by the Kansas Board of Regents
1000 SW Jackson Street, Ste. 520
Topeka, KS 66612-1368

Kansas residents with any complaints should complete the Private Postsecondary Complaint Form found here.

State of North Carolina (for Students on Clinical Rotations in North Carolina)

The State Authorization Unit of the University of North Carolina System Office serves as the official state entity to receive complaints concerning post-secondary institutions that are authorized to operate in North Carolina. If students are unable to resolve a complaint through the institution’s grievance procedures, they can review the Student Complaint Policy (PDF) and submit their complaint using the online complaint form at For more information contact:

North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints
910 Raleigh Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27514; (919) 962-4558

For Accreditation Standards Complaints, please contact HLC or COCA at:

Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA)
142 E. Ontario St.
Chicago, IL 60611-2864
Phone (312) 202-8048

Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
230 S. LaSalle St., Suite 7-500
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: (800) 621-7440
View Accreditation Status Here