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| About RVU | Title IX


All RVU employees and students are trained about Title IX Sexual Misconduct Laws on an annual basis. Students and employees are made aware of, and updated on, the Federal Title IX Act and RVU’s policies throughout each year.

RVU’s Title IX Coordinator manages the University’s response to complaints of sex-based discrimination, including sexual harassment, stalking, sexual assault, relationship violence, and other forms of sexual misconduct, as well as retaliation. If you believe you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual misconduct or are aware of sexual misconduct and would like to find out about how the University can help you, contact the Title IX Coordinator at (720) 874-2481 or

You may also want to make an appointment to talk with one of RVU’s Mental Health counselors. The counselor on the Colorado campus can be reached at (720) 875-2896, the counselor on the Montana campus can be reached at (406) 901-2752 and the counselor on the Utah campus can be reached at (435) 222-1270. Your conversation will remain confidential and will not be shared with the Title IX Coordinator.

You may seek the assistance of a trusted faculty or staff member; if you do so, please keep in mind that all University employees (other than medical or counseling professionals) are mandatory reporters and must report all information to the Title IX Coordinator.


Title IX and CLERY Act Communication on Prevention of Stalking

January 7, 2021

Title IX and CLERY Act Communication on Prevention of Stalking This month is the 16th annual National Stalking Awareness Month. The month of January is dedicated to raising awareness of stalking and understanding what we can do to recognize and combat this serious issue. I’ve compiled some helpful information and resources […]

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Annual Notification: Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

October 9, 2020

Annual Notification: Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act To All RVU Students and Employees: Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 require all schools and institutions of higher education to adopt and implement a program to prevent […]

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April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)!

April 13, 2020

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)! Hello RVU Community, in relation to Title IX, VAWA, Campus Save Act, and the CLERY Act, this month brings attention, on a national level, to prevention, intervention, and a conscientious effort to help if or when sexual assaults occur – in your community, […]

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Any individual who believes that an employee or student of the University, including him or herself, has been subjected to sexual misconduct is encouraged to immediately follow the applicable reporting and investigation procedures and may also pursue criminal, civil, and/or administrative remedies provided by federal and state law.

The faculty and staff are a school's most valuable commodity. They are the basis of the school's success and the future success of its graduates. At RVU, we have a group of employees who are dedicated to the mission of providing quality healthcare education and of inspiring students to serve with compassion, integrity, and excellence. Visit the RVU Directory to get to know the faculty and staff.

The Marketing Department has developed many ways to learn more about RVU, to follow the latest news and events, and to sing the praises of our students, faculty, and staff. In the News Room, you will find press releases, the Vista View newsletter, the Prairie Dogs and Roadrunners blog, and our social media accounts.