March 19, 2021 | CRT-Update

March 19, 2021
Covid Resources at Rocky Vista University

March 19, 2021 | CRT Update

March 19, 2021

Dear RVU Family:

We hope everyone had the opportunity for some much-needed rest and relaxation over spring break. The 7-day positivity rate for Colorado is at 3.52%, representing a slight increase of .08% (due primarily to an uptick of cases reported over the past few days). The current 7-day rolling average of 677 new cases/day in Utah declined 29.18% from 14 days ago. As more people become eligible to receive the vaccine, there is the hope of moving toward increased normalcy in the months ahead.

Updates from this week include:

  • Vaccine Update: To date, there have been a total of 113M vaccines administered in the US. 22.2% of the total population has received at least one dose of the vaccine and 12% are fully vaccinated.


Colorado is moving into stage 1B.4 for COVID-19 Vaccinations effective today.  This is great news for Rocky Vista University employees as front-line workers in education and “student-facing” staff are now eligible.

This includes instructors, professors, vocational educators, and any staff who are providing safety or support services inside the school. All people age 50 and older are also eligible. Gov. Polis promised that all adults in Colorado will be eligible for the vaccine by mid-April. Information regarding the distribution of vaccines and eligibility to be vaccinated in Colorado can be found here.


Yesterday Gov. Cox announced that all Utah adults can begin signing up for the COVID-19 vaccine as of March 24 – a week earlier than the previously announced plan. Some parts of the state will also permit teenagers 16 years of age and older to receive the vaccine.

Information for Utah can be found here.

  • CRT Town Hall: Save the date. The next CRT Town Hall will be held on Monday, April 5th. Watch for the calendar invite which will be sent out shortly.
  • Mythbuster:

         Myth: I don’t’ need a COVID-19 vaccine if I have had COVID-19.

        Fact:   You should be vaccinated regardless of whether you have had COVID-19.

This is because experts don’t know how long the body’s natural antibody protection lasts.

When it is your turn, get the vaccination! source

We look forward to sharing additional updates in our weekly correspondence and the upcoming Town Hall. Continue to stay safe and well. Together we remain RVU Strong!

Professionally yours,

The COVID-19 Response Team


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