Dear RVU Family,
COVID-19 cases continue to rise at high rates, in Colorado increasing 24.29% over last week and 15.91% in Utah. Since our last email, RVU had 5 pre-clinical students and 5 clinical students test positive with a half dozen students still awaiting their test results.
Updates for this week include:
- CO Moves to Level Red: The Tri-County (Adams, Arapahoe and Douglas Counties) Health Department along with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has moved to Level Red (Severe Risk). Click here for info on the color levels.
- Safe on RVU Campus: Although cases are surging in CO and UT, please know that the RVU screening and safety protocols will keep you safe when you are on campus. The chances of you acquiring the virus on campus is extremely low because we have implemented the same PPE protocols as health care providers on the front line. RVU remains at zero transmitted cases on campus. The CRT will continue to monitor our situation and make decisions necessary to ensure the continued safety of our community. We ask for your trust.
- Communicating with the CRT: Please note that the email address is a group distribution list so that an email sent to this address is sent to all 17 members of the CRT. If you have content that is personal or a question directed to one person, you are encouraged to send an email to individuals rather than the entire group. The CRT member list can be found here.
- Symptoms or Direct Contact: If you are symptomatic or had direct contact with someone who has or may have COVID-19, you should stay home and fill out the Screening and Attestation Form. A medical officer on the CRT will contact you directly for guidance. Please do not email the entire CRT.
- Employee Volunteers for Contact Tracing: The CRT is in need of more employee volunteers to join our team of Contact Tracers. If you are interested, please refer to the email sent on Monday, Nov. 16 from the CRT. Please direct any questions to Dr. Kinder at Due to privacy regulations, students cannot be contact tracers.
- Holiday Travel & Gathering: If you are concerned about your safety and/or the safety of your family and friends outside your immediate household, please consider not having the traditional gatherings this year. If you decide to travel and gather, please read and follow these guidelines.
There will not be a CRT communication sent out next week due to Thanksgiving. We wish you all a happy and safe holiday!
Professionally yours,
The COVID-19 Response Team