April 23, 2021 | CRT-Update

April 26, 2021
Covid Resources at Rocky Vista University

April 23 2021 | CRT Update

April 23, 2021

Dear RVU Family:

While COVID-19 cases have increased 1.81% nationally from last week, Colorado and Utah have done better with increases of 1.32% and .56% respectively.  Compared with the highest peak on January 11, 2021, the current 7-day average decreased 72.2% nationwide. In our local markets, Washington County Utah has experienced a 46% decline in the number of hospitalized Covid patients in the past 14 days. Douglas County, CO, however, has seen a 21% increase in hospitalized Covid patients over the past 14 days.

Vaccine Update:

As of yesterday, 41% of the US population has received the first dose of the vaccine; 24.5% has had the 2nd dose administered. While the number of people vaccinated is increasing, the CDC stresses the importance of continuing to wear a mask and observe safety protocol.

Vaccine Clinic Update:

  • CO: Please visit the RVHC at to schedule an appointment. If no appointments are posted, continue to check back as appointments are added once the health center is advised on how many doses of the vaccine will be received each week.
  • UT:  The Utah Vaccine Clinic has administered 110 doses of Moderna vaccine in the past week to employees, students and members of the general public. Student volunteers and employees worked together to make this happen and the atmosphere in these clinics has been full of energy and cooperation. Our students have shown great passion in this effort and their enthusiasm is both inspiring and contagious. While our vaccination numbers may be small, we are doing our part in this public health crisis and it feels great to be engaged in this cause.

Myth Buster:

Myth: Both COVID vaccine doses don’t have to be from the same manufacturer.

FACT: The CDC advises that the two vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna are not interchangeable and should not be mixed. There are currently no studies on the safety or effectiveness of a mixed dose regimen.

Employee Time Off Related to COVID:

Based on the recent American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) signed by President Biden, employees who have the need and qualify for additional paid time off related to obtaining a COVID-19 vaccine, or recovering from any illness, injury or condition related to such vaccine (side effects), may contact their campus HR representative to see if they qualify for COVID-19 Sick Pay.  Additionally, COVID-19 Sick Pay may be available for other COVID-19 related reasons such as seeking a diagnosis, experiencing symptoms, or caring for a child due to school closure.  Please contact the HR Department with any questions.

Have a great weekend and stay safe!

Professionally yours,

COVID-19 Response Team


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