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The design of the curriculum is based on a proven systems-based integrated academic model. It emphasizes interdisciplinary collaboration, guiding students to develop a holistic, and more importantly, an osteopathic approach to medicine. During the pre-clinical years, each system is studied twice, first with an emphasis on normal form and function in Year 1, followed by an emphasis on pathophysiology and a clinical approach to each system in Year 2. Basic biomedical science disciplines are integrated with clinical sciences in a fashion that reflects clinical relevancy, rather than broken down into individual segregated disciplines. The overall curriculum is scheduled in system-based blocks with intervening periods dedicated to Clinical, Academic, Reflection, Enrichment, Scholarly Activity, and Integration (CARES-I). During CARES-I students have opportunities to integrate knowledge and to shift their focus to wellness, electives, tracks, and research.  Weekly schedules follow a format of faculty guided Student Directed Learning during most mornings and group Active Learning Sessions most afternoons.  Assessments are formative and summative with an emphasis on learning of material and skill competency.  MCOM continually correlates basic scientific information and methodology with fundamental clinical application.

Students are exposed to clinical settings and simulation beginning in their first semester and continuing throughout the first two years of coursework, giving them the opportunity to prepare for the “real world” of medicine. We believe that by adding early clinical exposure, simulation, and active learning in team or small group settings, we strengthen students’ ability to think critically, solve clinical problems and develop the skills required for continual learning throughout their careers. Professionalism and ethics are key components for a physician and are emphasized throughout the entire curricular experience at MCOM.

Third and fourth-year students are placed at one of our regional centers throughout the state and region to ensure continuity and coordination of clinical education within RVU’s vast and growing clinical training network. The competency-based curriculum is designed to fulfill our mission of training students who are competent and ready to enter graduate medical education and training, with an emphasis on preparing students to become primary care physicians.

MCOM has a dedicated faculty; established affiliations with medical centers, hospitals, and health care systems; a structured and supported rural medicine program; and a mission to educate the finest osteopathic physicians possible.

OMS I – Semester One (Fall)
Foundations I 3
Osteopathic Clinical Skills I 7
Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms 3
Musculoskeletal System I 6
Cardiovascular/Respiratory System I 5
Microbiology, Immunology, and Infectious Disease 6
OMS I – Semester Two (Spring)
OMS II – Semester One (Fall)
OMS II – Semester Two (Spring)


The University tuition, fees and cost of attendance are updated annually. To learn more about the tuition costs, individual health insurance and the tuition refund process, click on Tuition and Fees above.

The Office of Admissions processes thousands of applications for admissions each year. Learn more about requirements for admissions including residency status, minimum prerequisite course work, and GPA requirements.

The mission of MCOM is to educate and inspire students to become highly competent osteopathic physicians and lifelong learners prepared to meet the diverse healthcare needs of tomorrow through innovative education, relevant research, and compassionate service.


4130 Rocky Vista Way
Billings, MT 59106


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