What kind of time commitment can I expect for the Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences program?
- The MSBS program is a 9-month program, the students are considered full time, in-person attendance, Monday-Friday
How many students are accepted into the Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences program?
- Although variable from year to year, there are approximately 25 seats available in Utah and 65 in Colorado.
How many students are accepted each year from the Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences program into the RVUCOM?
- Historically, we have graduated over 200 students, and approximately 95% of them have been accepted or are currently attending medical or PA school.
How much interaction/contact is there between Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences students, DO students and PA Students?
- There are two joint courses, one between MSBS and PA, and one between MSBS and DO. There are standardized patient encounters involving COM year 2 students and MSBS students. In addition, MSBS Alumni serve as peer mentors and tutors. MSBS students can be members in the medical school clubs. Most student activities, such as the Gala, are for all students.
Is there an MCAT prep course offered with the Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences program?
- No, there is no MCAT prep course offered. Generally, the MSBS course schedule is four days per week, with one day free for studying and professional development.
Can I work while being in the Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences program?
- MSBS students are strongly encouraged to not work during the program so they can focus on their studies.
What can I do with an Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences degree?
- Most students pursue this degree in preparation for medical school. Other vocational opportunities are available with an Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences degree. Some of these include research, teaching, laboratory work, clinical trial coordination, and others.
What is the typical course schedule?
- Although course times vary, courses are typically scheduled Monday - Thursday between 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.
How do I gain admittance to RVU-COM?
- Students must meet academic and professional requirements to be entered into out RVUCOM pipeline. All students accepted must meet rigorous academic and professional requirements.