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Thomas Bigham

Thomas Bigham


Assistant Professor of Family Medicine
Director of Rural & Wilderness Track(Utah)
Co-Director of Medical Spanish (Utah)

Utah Campus



This Indiana farmer turned physician graduated first from Purdue University then taught undergraduate biology. Dr. Bigham then attended medical school in Maine (UNECOM) as an NHSC scholarship recipient and went on to the University of Utah Family Medicine Residency where he served as a Chief Resident.

After residency, Dr. Bigham practiced in rural Arizona, where he received training and experience as a rural medical examiner. He also took three weeks to staff a bare-bone clinic in Supai, AZ down in the Grand Canyon, which his family was able to join him there for Christmas and experience the waterfalls of the Havasupai tribe.

Speaking of family, Dr. Bigham enjoys spending time with his wife, five children, and two grandchildren. Reading biographies, restoring and maintaining vintage cars, and dabbling in HAM radios include some of his more favored hobbies. He is excited to be back in a formal teaching and learning environment and enjoys the enthusiasm and company of his colleagues here at RUV.