What are the most common types of accommodations offered to medical students?
Extended time for testing
Reduce distraction testing
Others as needed on a case by case basis
When I should contact Disability Services to discuss my disability and request accommodations?
It's important to initiate the interactive process with Disability Services as soon as possible after committing to attend RVU in order to discuss your accommodation needs and determine your eligibility for specific services.
How do I renew my accommodations for upcoming academic year?
Returning students are required to complete the annual Accommodation Renewal Request form. Please be sure you are logged on to the iNet in order to complete this form.
How do I re-establish eligibility so that I can receive accommodations after a Leave of Absence?
If you have you have not attended RVU for one or more semesters, you will need to make an appointment with the Disability Officer to review your accommodations and make any adjustments as needed.
How can I make an appointment with the Disability Officer so I can review my current accommodations or request additional accommodations?
Please click here to schedule an appointment with the Disability Officer. Alternatively, you may call the office during business hours at (435) 222-1241.
I have a new diagnosis or a change in my health status. How do update my documentation with Disability Services?
We recommend that you schedule an appointment the Disability Officer to discuss any updates to your diagnosis or documentation. At that time, we can also talk about any changes in your functional limitations and explore any revisions to your accommodations that may be required.
How do I request accommodations for COMLEX and USMLE exams?
NBOME Test Accommodations
NBME | USMLE Test Accommodations
Will I have the same accommodations I had in high school or during my undergraduate program?
Accommodations and services are determined on a case-by-case basis and dependent on a student's current functional limitations and the fundamental elements of each course. While students may be approved for the same, or similar, services they received previously, some accommodations that were appropriate in other settings may represent a fundamental alteration of a program within a medical education course and therefore cannot be approved.
How are accommodations determined?
Accommodations are determined on an individual, case-by-case and course-by-course basis. Through an interactive dialog facilitated within Disability Services, all relevant factors, including the impact of the disability on the student's access, as well as the fundamental nature of the given course, will be considered. Requests for accommodations that would result in a fundamental alteration of the course or program are not reasonable and will not be approved.
What type of documentation do I need to register with Disability Services?
Documentation Guidelines (PDF)
How long does it take to get approved for accommodations?
Typically, students can expect to have a final determination regarding eligibility within two weeks of submission of the online Registration Form. However, missing or inadequate documentation, or failure to schedule an intake appointment with the Disability Officer can significantly delay the process.