RVU Research Week
Event Date & Times:
Date(s) & Time(s) - 10/20/2022
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Event Description:
It is that time of year! Research Week is quickly approaching, and we will be bringing back our wildly popular Shark Tank event for its third year!
Shark Tank Research Event will be held on Thursday October 20th from 6-8 pm on Zoom
Want to be a part of the excitement? Sign up on iNet to win a micro grant for your research idea! The application cycle will close September 15!
Application guidelines:
- Abstract of your research idea (200 words, Calibri font, size 11, 1-inch margins), including:
- Significance of the problem or topic
- Hypothesis
- What do you propose to do to explore your hypothesis?
- If your research is chosen and you are successful, what will you contribute to the field?
- Names and CVs of all team members
- Why do you want to do research?
- Proposed timeline of your research
- Future of the research (i.e., where can you go with this research?)
- Proposed budget.
The top 10 proposals will be selected for an oral pitch for the “sharks”. Five faculty will be chosen from our RVU Campuses. Each of the “sharks” will be given $1000 to award to their team of choice in the form of a microgrant to do the proposed research.