Strong Kids Challenge


The Strong Kid Challenge is designed to promote physical and mental health. There is a strong correlation between regular physical activity and good mental health. Learn more about it below...

You can view the Strong Kid Challenge (PDF) Here

You can view the How to Exercise for Kids (PDF) Here

or follow the video instructions below...

Strong Kid Challenge

The Strong Kid Challenge is designed to promote physical and mental health. There is a strong correlation between regular physical activity and good mental health. We hope that by participating in the challenge, we can help the child create a habit of exercise which will help them face the challenges of today. We also understand that not being able to go to school and play with friends can be difficult. This opportunity may offer children a safe proxy to get exercise while participating in some friendly competition.

The challenge is for the child to exercise 15 minutes each day for 5 straight days. The child can either complete the activities outdoors or indoors. There is a list of exercises the child can do each day.

Each challenge is given a numerical value. Each challenge can be done only one time each day to count for points. The participant will have 15 minutes to do as many exercises and earn as many points as possible. Activities should be adjusted to ensure child safety. Each day the participant should keep track of the amount of points gained by using the attached score card.

At the end of the five days, the child will add up the points they obtain and take a picture of the scorecard. Submit your score card by either posting it on Instagram or Facebook, with #RVUSUFALLHEALTH or email the picture to to be entered into the prize drawings.


5 point challenges:
• 30 jumping jacks
• 10 air squats
• 30 second balance on one foot
• Stretch for one minute

10 point challenges:
• 30 seconds high knees
• 5 minute walk
• 35 crunches
• 5 minute meditation

15 point challenges:
• 20 knees to chest jumps
• 30 second forearm plank
• Crab walk 20 feet
• Help your mom or dad with some chores

20 point challenges:
• 25 push ups
• 15 burpees
• 1 mile run

ATTENTION: Perform these activities under parent supervision and at your own risk. The challenges have been approved as age appropriate and safe by Dr. Gary Lambert. If there is additional concern for physical safety or health, one should seek approval by a physician. Participants should wear appropriate footwear. Have fun, get fit, but be safe!

Enter to Win

Take a picture and post with hashtag #RVUSUFALLHEALTHFair on Instagram or Facebook or email to for a chance to win a prize!



Contact the Office of Student Affairs

255 E. Center Street
Ivins, UT 84738
(435) 222-1241

For faster response, please direct inquiries to the campus email:

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