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| About RVU | Institutional Effectiveness | Instructional Design and Technology (ID&T)


In partnership with faculty colleagues, Instructional Design & Technology is responsible for ensuring quality in online and blended delivery, ensuring that Universal Design for Learning (UDL) standards are adhered to consistently, assist in the development of virtual learning objects and environments, expose faculty to emerging instructional technologies and innovative teaching strategies, and provide related faculty development.

ID&T Services:

  • Course accessibility (Universal Design for Learning)
  • Course design
  • Curriculum development support
  • Identification of technology, software, and learning tools to support learning goals
  • Incorporation of engaged learning methodologies
  • Learning management system (LMS) administration
  • Learning tool integration (LTI)
  • Partnership in the scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Quality assurance for online and blended courses
  • Supporting assessment of student learning
  • Virtual learning object creation


Rocky Vista University welcomes employment inquiries from qualified individuals who share and support our mission and vision. We value individuals who demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning, community service, and excellence. As one of the newest of the colleges of osteopathic medicine, RVU enjoys an entrepreneurial culture featuring state of the art facilities and innovative approaches to learning.

The faculty and staff are a school's most valuable commodity. They are the basis of the school's success and the future success of its graduates. At RVU, we have a group of employees who are dedicated to the mission of providing quality healthcare education and of inspiring students to serve with compassion, integrity, and excellence. Visit the RVU Directory to get to know the faculty and staff.

The Marketing Department has developed many ways to learn more about RVU, to follow the latest news and events, and to sing the praises of our students, faculty, and staff. In the News Room, you will find press releases, the Vista View newsletter, the Prairie Dogs and Roadrunners blog, and our social media accounts.