| Academics | Office of Research and Scholarly Activity | Student Spotlights STUDENT SPOTLIGHTS [show-team category='research-student' orderby='date' layout='grid' style='img-square,img-shadow,text-left,img-left,1-column' display='name,photo,freehtml,position,location,jobtitle2' img='300,300'] Additional Resources Clinical Education Curriculum Degree Programs Fellowships Graduate Medical Education Military Medicine Program Office of Research and Scholarly Activity IRB and Human Subjects Research Office of Simulation in Medicine and Surgery Tracks and Special Programs Ultrasound Program If you are a student at RVU and would like to be featured, please click here to fill out a form RESOURCES Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine has developed several specialized educational tracks and programs to further develop the education of interested students. These range from 3.5-year-long tracks to single-semester elective courses. Student research/scholarly activity is a vital part of health provider education. Research enhances critical thinking skills and increases medical knowledge, as well as preparing students for graduate medical education. Therefore, all students are encouraged to participate in research activities while at RVU. During their third and fourth years of medical school, students work on clinical externships, under the guidance of preceptors. RVU students have externships available to them through Colorado and the other Mountain West states. Share Tweet Pin it +1